The stories of one's ancestors make the children good children. They accept what is pleasing to the Will of the True Guru, and act accordingly. ( Guru Granth Sahib Ji - 951)
Bhali Karre kartaar !!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Fwd: Sakhi Series :- 257 ( Diwan Todar Mal)
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Baba Moti Ram Mehra
Sakhi Series :- 139 ( Baba Moti Ram Mehra - EDITED )
Friday, November 28, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 256 (Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji)
Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji headed home with tears of happiness as they had been blessed by Maharaj with such a mahaan seva. Many times we often question how we will be able to do a seva that Guru Sahib has himself given us. But look at these two beloved Sikhs of Guru Sahib who didn't have any maya to their name begging Maharaj for this seva.
Bhai Suman Ji and his son Bhai Moosan Ji began to work day and night on the land of a rich man. Every day they would take the Name of Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj on their lips and would not stop working for sleep or food or water. With Maharaj firmly implanted in their minds all they thought about was the seva that they had been blessed with.
After working very hard in this way finally the day of their payment had arrived. Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji had planned to use this money to buy all the things they required to make Guru Sahib's langar with their own hands. When they went to see the rich man to collect their payment their clothes were dripping with sweat and had been stained with blood from their limbs. The rich man opened his door when he noticed Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji were coming, looked at them and simply refused to pay them for the work that they had done.
Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji were heartbroken and went home. They were deeply saddened not that the rich man had refused to pay them but that they would not be able to perform Guru Sahib's seva. After a while they though to themselves that the money they are owed is their right. They soon made a plan to go back to the rich man's house in the night to take what was rightfully theirs.
At night Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji used a ladder to climb into the house of the rich man. Bhai Moosan Ji went in first, slipped and was dangling from the rich man's ceiling. As Bhai Moosan Ji was dangling he began to hear voices and realised that the rich man's family had woken up. Without a second thought Bhai Moosan Ji looked up to his father had said, "Pita Ji cut my head off". Bhai Moosan Ji had asked his father to do this as he knew that if the rich man came and saw him dangling there word would get around that Sikhs of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj are thieves. This is the love Gursikhs have for their Guru. Bhai Suman Ji knew this too and quickly took out his sword and with one blow cut his son's head off. This is the love Gursikhs have for their Guru. Bhai Suman Ji wrapped his son's head in a cloth and went home leaving his body there.
When the rich man came out he saw a dead body which had been decapitated on the floor. He then began to think that if people come to know that there is a dead body in my house they will think that I am a murderer. With the help of one of his servants he put Bhai Moosan Ji's body on a cart and decided to take the body to the house of Bhai Suman Ji and Bhai Moosan Ji as these were the only honest people that he knew who he could depend on. When he arrived at Bhai Suman Ji's house he gave Bhai Suman Ji the money that was owed to them. He then told him that there was a body that he had bought with him in the cart that he wanted them to get rid of.
Bhai Suman Ji took his son's body from the cart and into his house. He then placed it with the head of Bhai Moosan Ji that he had brought back and covered both with a sheet. Bhai Suman Ji did an ardas to Maharaj and thanked Guru Ji. He then began to make the langar for all the sangat who were due to arrive the following morning.
In the morning Bhai Suman Ji's beloved Guru arrived with his sangat. As Guru Ji was about to have his langar he looked at Bhai Suman Ji and said, "Suman where is your son Moosan I haven't seen him. Go and call him."
Guru Ji then turned towards the house where Bhai Suman Ji had covered his son's head and body and started calling out to Moosan. As soon as Guru Maharaj did this Bhai Moosan Ji came out of the house and bowed together with his father Bhai Suman Ji at the charankamal of their beloved Guru.
Akho Satnaam Sri Waheguru.
Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj !!! Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj !!!
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 255 ( Baba Ram Kaur Singh jee)
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 254 ( Bhai Moola ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji)
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 253 ( Village Palahi )
Saturday, September 06, 2014
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 251 (The Discourse Between Shah Sharaf And Sree Guru Nanak Dev Jee)
The following is the discourse that originally took place in Farsi between Shah Sharaf and Sree Guru Nanak Dev Jee. The questions and answers were short but the meanings are very deep. There is a lot to be learnt from this conversation.
(Note Q: are questions from Shah Sharaf and A: are answers from Sree Guru Nanak Dev Jee)
A : The beginning for a Fakir is to destroy ones self
Q: Where does Fakiree end?
A: The end is God
Q: What is the Key?
A: The Key is abyass/repetition (without this the door will not open)
Q: What are the chains? (to keep you away from falling)
A: Bandagi/worship are the chains that will save you
Q: Which is the tomb? (where one shall place himself to rest safely)
A: Modesty is the place to reside (this is the only place which gives peace)
Q: Which is the Chest? (where all the treasures reside)
A: Sat Sangat is the chest (where all the treasures and jewels lie)
Q: What is the Light (that shows us the way)
A: Gian/knowledge (from Guru Jee is the light)
Q: What brings expansion/increment?
A: Understanding/learning (is the only commodity worth expanding/increasing)
Q: What is happiness?
A: Didar/Sight (of the supreme Lord is the only thing that can bring true happiness)
Q: Which is the Food?
A: Contentment is the Food (nothing else can fill someone)
Q: Which is the Robe/Garment (to be worn)?
A: Truthfulness (only this can cover you gracefully)
Q: What is the necklace of a Fakir?
A: To live whilst being dead (to remember death is the necklace)
Q: Which is the smoke for the Fakirs?
A: Firm wisdom and a Firm placement is the Smoke
Q: What brings benefit?
A: Oneness
Q: What is used to cover the head?
A: To live in the will (of the Lord)
Q: Which is the home?
A: Being untroubled is the home
Q: What are the words? (to be spoken)
A: Truth
Q: Which is the boat? (to ferry us across)
A: Good deeds are your boat
Q: Which is the loincloth/underwear to be worn? (to protect against sexual desires)
A: Chastity is the underwear (for a true Fakir)
Q: What is Liberation?
A: Faith (To give your head but not your Faith)
Q: What is Life?
A: It is 'Just'
Q: What is existence/being?
A: To be able to relate to all in existence
Q: Which are the arms?
A: To befriend (other true seekers)
Q: Which is the position?
A: To be like the joint in Iron
Q: What is a Journey?
A: A hold of air
Friday, June 13, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 250 (Karamat qahar hai)
Monday, June 02, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 249 (Guru Nanak dev ji and Raja ShivNabh)
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 248 (Sree Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee - The Curer of all ills)

ਪੂਰੇ ਗੁਰ –
Guru Gobind Singh Jee writes that the mere sight of Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee takes away all pain. Gurbanee makes clear that the True Complete Guru can remove our fevers, pains and diseases.
ਨਠੇਤਾਪਦੁਖਰੋਗਪੂਰੇਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਤਾਪਿ ॥
My fevers, pains and diseases are gone, by the Grace of the Perfect Guru
Guru Gobind Singh Jee has however highlighted this through the reflection of Guru HarKrishan Sahib Jee. In essence the short Worldly life of Guru Harkrishan Sahib was based on the removing of pain.
The Jot of Guru Nanak came in to the form of a Child for many reasons. It was a clear indication that Guru' Jot was not tied on to any experience or worldly knowledge. It is beyond any physical connection or understanding.
Some historians have tried to belittle the life of Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee and have said that his Guruship was only there to buy time. They seem to make out that the Guruship was some kind of Human Dynasty. This is the talk of the faithless who do not see the Glory of Guru Nanak Dev Jee.
The child face of Guru
Children in general are naturally liked, this is the way nature is. Their innocence and features create this relationship. Just to see kids playing gives you joy, it lifts your sorrows and worries. You can only imagine how much greater this fondness and attraction would be when Guru Jee's Jot is in the body of a Child.
It is written that Guru Harkrishan Jee's face and features were very attractive. Everyone seeing him would feel a special pull. Guru Jee spoke very little but when he spoke he left others amazed. His voice was so sweet that even birds would stop to listen. His written words were special. Who else could speak, write and advise at this age, only Guru Jee could do this.
Sangat from far and wide was yearning to meet Guru Jee. Just the sight of Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee would dispel all sorrows, there were no need for words just the gaze of his eyes was enough. Even Kings and Queens could not resist the temptation to have a glimpse of the Child Guru.
Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee devoted a lot of time to the Sick and helpless. It is written that Guru Jee used to visit the local Hospital in his daily routine.
Curing the Leper
There is an incident in the early part of Guru Harkrishan Sahib's Guruship which led many suffers seek the blessing of Guru Jee.
The following is a brief description of what happened
Guru Jee was travelling in his palanquin when a Brahmin suffering from a serious disease of leprosy came and fell at the travelling palanquin and starting crying loudly. Guru Jee asked the travelling party to halt, he came down and met the Brahmin. The Brahmin crying in pain fell at the feet of Guru Jee and asked him to relive him from his suffering. Guru Harkrishan Sahib pulled out his Handkerchief used for cleaning his hands and face, he gave this to the Brahmin and said "Wipe your body with this and then drink the wash from this Handkerchief, you will get better". The Brahmin carried out these instructions and Just as Guru Jee said the diseased Brahmin become better in a matter of days. The news of this healing made many others suffers seek help from Guru Jee.
Curing Delhi
During Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee stay in Delhi a Small Pox epidemic broke out. It spread like wild fire, the poor were hit the worst. Thousands were dying daily and there seemed to be no cure. The Only cure and saviour was Guru Jee, anyone who came to see him or he went to see was cured of the disease just by the mere sight of Guru Harkrishan sahib Jee.
Other non Sikhs have also noted this healing :
(1) His very touch and sight healed many ( Rediscovering Delhi pg 90)
(2) He healed many people of the dread disease merely by a few words or by the very sight of him (Gospel of Guru Granth Sahib)
Thousands were lining up to have glimpse of Guru Jee, he did not refuse to help nor was he afraid of the disease affecting him. He decided to take the suffering of the people of Delhi upon himself. This act of curing eventually meant he had to sacrifice himself for others.
Even when Guru Jee was afflicted with Small Pox he was still erasing pain from others and those close to him. At the final moments before his light merged again with Vahiguru, Sri Guru Harkrishan jee did not let anyone feel any sorrow at his departure. Mehma Parkash records that Mata Krishan Kaur entered a state of bliss gazing upon Guru jee and she felt great contentment. Such was his life, that Sri Guru Harkrishan jee removed the pain and suffering of all those who cast their eyes on him, even until his very last moments.
ਬਿਸਮਾਦ ਮਾਤਾ ਭਈ I ਸਭ ਦੇਹ ਕੀ ਸੁਧ ਗਈ I
ਚਿਤਵਨ ਲਗੀ ਹੀਏ ਮਾਹਿ I ਗੁਰ ਦਰਸ ਦੀਨਾ ਤਾਹ I੨੩I
ਮੁਖ ਦੇਖ ਭਇਆ ਸੰਤੋਖ I ਮਿਟ ਗਇਆ ਦਾਰਨ ਦੋਖ I
ਉਪਜਤ ਭਇਆ ਮਨ ਗਿਆਨ I ਗੁਰ ਅਮਰ ਪਦ ਪਹਚਾਨ I੨੪I
Friday, March 28, 2014
Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s fourth bachan
Unraveling 'Guru Ki Kashi' – Akal University at Damdama Sahib!
Unveiling the treasure behind the Kalgidhar Dashmesh Pitah – Guru Gobind Singh Ji's 4th bachan of 'Guru ki Kashi' for Damdama Sahib that will give the world Great Spiritual Scholars and Academic Leaders!
About 307 years ago, The Tenth Master – Guru Gobind Singh Ji, after sacrificing his four Sahibzadas (young sons) for the Khalsa Panth and blessing the 40 Muktey ('liberated ones') at Muktsar, reached Talwandi Sabo, Damdama Sahib and untied his Kamarkassa (the waist-band) and hence the name symbolizing his taking 'Dam' there or resting place. It was here, when Guru Gobind Singh Ji sent his sewadars to get the old Granth Sahib Birh from Dhir Mal to which he refused and sent the sewadars back. Guru Sahib recited the whole Guru Granth Sahib on his own to Bhai Mani Singh who penned it down in 9 months with him. Also Guru Sahib also gave the Santhya (meanings and pronunciations) of each stanza of Gurbani to the general masses. The hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadar Sahib were also incorporated at appropriate places in the Holy Scripture.
At Talwandi Sabo, the Guru Gobind Singh Ji blessed this region with 4 bachans in interactions with Bhai Dalla who became a devout and initiated into Khalsa with his family. Guru Sahib changed his name from Chaudhary Dalla to Bhai Dalla. The four prophecies being -
- Thatthe place will have canals flowing although where there was a sandy desert area.
- It will have lots of farms of mangoes, grapes, pomegranates and oranges, although it was full of wild shrubs.
- It will have fields full of wheat crops, although wild bushes and grass were visible all around at that time.
Such was the Master's conviction that he proclaimed that Gur-Sikhs in future will see it for themselves, the realization of these blessings of canals, fruits and wheat crops. - One day, after completion of the compilation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib as per divine order, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, began sharpening reeds – used for writing the Granth and threw them into the Sarovar (water-tank) and declared,
"Ehe pargateyo hamari Kashi, parhengey yahan dhor matt rasi"
Meaning- "This is our Guru's Divine Learning Place, which will emerge in future as a great center of divine learning where even duffer people will turn Virtuous and Scholars of Great Knowledge!"
Over a period of time, up till now, with grace of Almighty, three of the four blessings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji have been realized. Rivers and canals are flowing now. Fields are yielding huge wheat crops and the region is full of farms of mangoes, grapes, pomegranates and oranges.
But, 307 years have elapsed and the 4th bachan of Guru Kashi still remains pending, because no one has made efforts to look into bringing it to reality. We have had 11 'Misls' ruling regimes of Sikhs including Maharaja Ranjit Singh; Patiala's Raj; Nabha's Raj; Jind's Raj andPanthik raj in the state, but unfortunately no one's attention went towards bringing up Guru Ki Kashi!
Hence, in reverence to the 10th Master, Guru Gobind Singh's prophecy; the Kalgidhar Trust/ Society has endeavored to establish an International Center for Comparative Religious Studies as a part of AKAL UNIVERSITY with special emphasis on the Teachings of Guru Granth Sahib and establishing center to translate Guru Granth Sahib in original ragas in different languages of the world.
Also, following the message of Guru Nanak to establish Permanent Peace in the World, this place will create crops of Messengers of Peace, who will spread the message of Universal Brotherhood of mankind throughout the world.
2) Moti Mehra
3) Dewaan Todar Mal
4) Peer Budhu Shah
Check :
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sakhi Series :- 247 (1971 Indo-Pak war)